K-12 Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Curriculum

OCA Greater Phoenix

Free developed lesson plans on Arizona AANHPI specific topic for K-12 classrooms.

*This project is sponsored by Arizona Asian Women’s Giving Circle.

Asian American Contribution to Build the Arizona Community

Suggested grade level: K-12

This 1 hour presentation goes over the history and contribution of Asian Americans in the United States that was not often talked about in the classrooms. Slideshow includes keynote individuals such as Hachiro Onuki who powered the first lamp in Phoenix, AZ, later his company become what is known is APS.

Water Boys: Helping Their Community

Learn how the water boys helped to develop the Union Pacific Railroad, or the Second Transcontinental railroad, that links Arizona with the rest of the nation! Videos and lesson plan are created by Yvonne So and John Tulinao.

Suggested grade level: 2nd Grade

“The Chinese Chorizo” Lesson Exemplar

Chinese Chorizo originated in Chinese grocery stores in Tucson, Arizona. It is the food the exemplifies the bond between the Mexican and Chinese American population in Arizona. This lesson plan contains reading and documentary as well as creative reflection activities.

Suggested grade level: Grade 6-8

Learning The Whole Story: Incorporating the AAPI Experience in K-12 Classrooms

Tucson Unified School District Equity, Diversity, Inclusiveness Conference Edition

From Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, suicide is he leading factor of death for AAPI youth age 10-24. Learn about what is behind the mentality of AAPI students to full understand their struggles.

Suggested audience: Teachers